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NEW PRODUCT – Regal Design Instant Shelters

We are pleased to introduce our brand new Regal Design Instant Shelter. Our Regal Shelter is perfect for a wide range of uses, including parties, weddings, exhibitions and events. The Regal Design creates a stylish, classic look. With a Scalloped canopy and curtains that can be dressed to give beautiful yet functional look. The side curtains will also extend and zip around the complete shelter if required, or part closed and part open. The Regal Design is available in two colours, Brown with Beige piping and Beige with Green piping. The Regal is available in either 2m x 2m, 3m x 2m, 3m x 3m or 4.5m x 3m and with the Heavy Duty Steel or ProTex 2 frame work. More information can be found at or call our office on 01925 819608

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