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5 Steps To A Superb Event Shelter

Exhibitions are nerve-jangling times, with a lot of prep required to step boldly into a sea of flowing delegates. First-timers and seasoned professionals both have the same agenda: to elbow competitors aside with a rich, inviting and colourful event space, one that can’t avoid making chins wag in every moment of its presence.

As an entrepreneur, you’re surely aware of how important strategies are for every aspect of what you do; exhibiting magnifies this pressure, as you have to represent vital business elements in a style that won’t be forgotten. To help you, let’s break down the 5 main steps to event shelter nirvana…

1. Search Within Yourself


Take a step back for a second – remember the earliest days of your branding quandaries, when you deliberated what sums you up best? Use a similar train of thought for the event kit you’ll have in your sights.

For example, would a hexagonal or rectangular shelter look great with the room you’ve secured? Will an extendable rain canopy be useful? Or, better yet, will flooring or lighting strips add a magical ingredient that’ll get those crowd flooding in? Once you answer these questions and form a fairly cogent picture of your ideal setup, a wealth of options will appear before you.

2. Choosing The Shelter Model

Okay, so now you have a decent grounding, it’s time to lay something on it! Surf & Turf’s instant shelters come in a smorgasbord of styles and functionality; it’s worth picking through our main shelter range to source what’s right for you.

Many exhibitors plump for the Canapro Elite model, with its cast alloy joints and sturdy, waterproof canvas material. Alternatively, a Robusta shelter could be your ticket to event success, as it caters more for users who want to get up and running in a couple of minutes.

3. Customise To Your Heart’s Content

After the main shelter itself has been decided on, you can tell us exactly how you want it to appear mightily amongst its neighbours. Our printing and branding abilities know no bounds – just give us an outline of your thought process, and we’ll baste your stand in the colours and images it’ll thrive on.

Logos, text and digital patterns can have the exact right inflection, applied to sidewalls and rooftops as you see fit.

4. Deck The Rest


Like a great haircut, the finer points of your exhibition aren’t wrapped up until the small stuff gets hammered out. In this regard, we have a whopping selection of banners, flags, table covers and poster boards to complement your main branding.

Further accessories include weights and sandbags for extra stability, as well as connecting kits to link several shelters together, if you have the space for total dominance.   

5. Set Up And Enjoy!

Breathe, in and out…your event shelter is finally complete, and it hits the eye with as panache as you could hope for. Getting everything ready with plenty of time to spare, you can look forward to assuming a powerful, gravitational pull over anyone lucky enough to pass by. Once they’re sucked into your orbit, there’ll be a marvellous frisson of energy between you and plenty of happy prospects.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? And it really isn’t that difficult to get going with a shelter scheme that’ll boost your credibility, net a host of new business, and put you in good stead for years of follow-on exhibits.

Our expert events team can wax lyrical about anything you require. Get in touch today for a brilliant, concise events plan you can pick and mix at your leisure.

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