Is Your Instant Shelter Ready For Retirement? The well-versed events professional knows a thing or two about grabbing the eyes of passers-by, and guiding their attention to an artful setup. But your exhibition gear might be flagging with overuse or changes to your event marketing strategy. It may indeed be time for something new, perking up your capabilities for gathering a head of steam. If freshness is the name of your game, Surf & Turf have identified some glaring signs that an overhaul is on the cards. Here are the crucial hints leading to a revitalised events kit… Troublesome leaks Try as it might, the shelter you currently use cannot deal with heavy rain and wind, sprinkling delegates with the dregs of a downpour when you least want to turn them away. Outdoor exhibitions require a specialised, fool-proof material base for a crowd to remain warm and looked-after while they see what you’re offering. A product like the Canapro Elite Instant Shelter is the nadir of a protective, waterproof enclosure. Its extendable rain canopy keeps the lip of your stand safe from drips, and the joints themselves are safeguarded against rust and degradation. No matter how much events kudos you have, it can all slip away with an ill-timed storm cloud – don’t let such things put a dampener on your day. An expanded team If you’ve been attending events for a number of years, and have directed more resources into them, then it’s safe to say that your team has probably grown. More hands on deck can mean a dynamic experience for anyone interested in you, as there are wider opinions and personalities to delve into. Yet you may be struggling with the size of your shelter, which is leaving the group and equipment somewhat cramped. Have a breeze through Surf & Turf’s varying shelter models, ranging from a modest 2 x 3 metres to those with a total surface area of 32 metres. There’s no scope of events excellence that we can’t provide for. Dull colours and design Maybe your branding has taken a leap forward of late. Gears could be turning behind the scenes of your business, incorporating a visual scheme that’s injecting new life into your promotions. In any case, a makeover could be due for your signs, flags and shelter, all of which we pull off in inimitable fashion. Surf & Turf have always taken a tailored approach to our clients’ exhibition materials, with bespoke printing and branding solutions. From tailored inflatables to the finicky concerns of banners and PVC additions, we deliver bold, enrapturing designs that we guarantee you’ll be pleased with. All it takes is a consultation with one of our events experts. Don’t let wisdom turn into complacency – although you may have hit some awesome notes before, shaking things up is sure to win over new fans, and top up your footfall. Contact us for remedies to an events plan that needs some extra juice in its veins…