Creating An Event Marketing Plan That Drives Sales When it comes to events, you only get out what you put in. To achieve success, the necessary groundwork needs to be laid. Many exhibitors make the mistake of assuming that they will gain leads just by attending. But events should be treated as one of your key marketing efforts of the year. After all, they allow you to physically interact with your target audience and really convey the value of your product or service. However, there’s no guarantee that you will have success unless you demonstrate a clear benefit in them coming to your stand. In this article, we discuss the best strategies to include in an event marketing plan that’s tailored to driving sales. Define your brand before the event You first need to think of your exhibition stand like a shopfront. It may be the very first impression that an attendee gets of your organisation. Therefore, start by aligning your brand through all your marketing material. Flyers, pens and any other promotional goods should all be in your brand colours and working towards the same goal. Remember that your logo and branding need to be clearly printed for all to see too. Check with your chosen print company that they have a variety of options so you’re not having to compromise. Once you’ve decided on your image, filter that through into your stand presentation. An instant shelter is one of the most adaptable environments to host your business in. Take our Canopro Elite Instant Shelter, for example; it provides adaptable brand accommodation where your promotional team can base their operations for the duration of the event. Remember to promote before and during Posting pictures of your stand on your social media channels before the event ensures your followers prioritise your organisation as one to visit. But you can also benefit from including the event organisers and other companies in your posts too. Should they retweet you or share your post, you’ll be exposed to their client bases too. This applies to the day of the event as well. Team ‘selfies’ and live-tweeting has a similar effect with partnerships and potential clients. By engaging with the event, you are likely to draw more engagement out of the attendees. Pop up banners are perfect for this occasion. They can be easily transported and erected, and look visually stunning in pictures both indoors and outdoors. Be memorable through giveaways and freebies In a post-GDPR world, getting the contact details of a prospect can feel like an impossible task. Trying to identify how to communicate to potential leads is challenging and requires an obvious reward to lure them in. Simply offer a prize for attendees who provide business cards, or a demo of your services if they sign up to an email address raffle, and you’re away! Promote your competition or giveaway in view of all guests so that you get maximum exposure. Utilise a poster board to reel traffic in; they are lightweight and can be viewed from both sides. More importantly though, they are easy to manoeuvre in exhibition situations. Through handing out gifts that attendees can take home or back to the office, you are securing that initial impression that you achieved through your stand. Pens, stress balls and sweets are all usual suspects at exhibitions. Try and provide a range of unique takeaway items that have a much longer lifespan – like phone accessories, tote bags or reusable water bottles. Whatever event or occasion you are looking to participate in, the right branding can perfectly resonate with your target audience to encourage sales. Take a look at our extensive range of event products for inspiration! Alternatively, contact our Surf & Turf specialists for guidance and product information.