5th December 2018
When it comes to events, you only get out what you put in. To achieve success, the necessary groundwork needs to be laid. Many exhibitors make the mistake of assuming […]
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8th November 2018
The clocks have gone back, but there’s no preventing the dark commute in the morning and the even darker commute back. Exhibitions at this time of year can be a […]
15th October 2018
When attending an exhibition or event, you want to stand out. Between visitors and other exhibitors, there are plenty of opportunities for brand exposure. However, without strong branding your chances […]
1st August 2018
Sponsoring an event brings a level of exposure to a large audience that needs to be made the most of. You’ll want a return on your sponsorship investment, and you […]
16th May 2018
When looking at the budget for your event marketing plan, it may be tempting to simply cut down on costs by dropping certain types of promotion altogether. However, a reduction […]
10th May 2018
Events are certainly exciting experiences, but in the midst of all the exhilaration, it can be easy to forget about your impact on the environment. Those coming to your stand […]
13th March 2018
Promotional events are like a cake. Each layer, by itself, is undoubtedly sweet, but the way they are combined makes the whole thing worth biting into. At Surf & Turf, […]
16th January 2018
Is there a formula for nailing your event plan? Whilst we can’t claim the same kit works for everyone, there is a benefit to choosing one of Surf & Turf’s […]